
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Alimea-Chapter 1

Hey. It's me. Alimea. Just a normal, freaking average teenage girl growing up in New York City. I have ratty brown hair, although people may say otherwise. Bright blue eyes, which my ex-boyfriend always described as "Windows into a deep pool of beauty". Yeah right. Why I decided to date a poet I shall never know. Maybe it was the 600 love poems. I'm about five feet three inches, slender-ish. Oh, god. Well, this will be pretty damn boring if I don't get to the actual story, won't it.
So, it was pretty much just a school day. Math, science, english, social studies. Ugh. I didn't put them in any particular order, they were all just annoying. Why should I care what x was, or the square root of 23, or when some random dude made some big sailboat discovery, or whatever. Maybe it would've been more interesting if the new kid that came was not exactly human. However, he was human. And a stupid human at that. So I had to s pend an entire geometry class sitting next to some person, I didn't even know his name, who took about the entire period to figure out the area of the rectangle. Even I, who hated math with a raging passion, took less time than almost an hour to do that. If you want to know what the sides were, they were two and four. After class, he came up to me. Apparently he didn't know the formula. Oh. I told him how, then he flashed some kind of look-at-me-I'm-trying-to-be-sexy-but-obviously-failing look, and said his name was Mark. "Ah. I'm Alimea." I said, rolling my eyes. "Well, I'll see you later." He said in a weird voice. "Maybe we could-" "I have biology. Advanced biology." I said coldly. "Uh, me too! I'll walk you there!" He said eagerly. "I can walk a few yards away by myself." I muttered, walking away. Just in those 30 seconds, I could pretty much tell he was a geek at his old school, but trying to be cool here, and he did know the formula for finding the area of a rectangle. Most of us were way beyond that. He was just an idiot poser. I stalked along the halls. Meeting somebody like him irked me. I growled at passerby until Abilene came. Abilene was beautiful. She had short, curly, brunette hair, and warm, brown eyes. She was tall and lean, and apparently her parents were fashion designers or something. Good thing we were friends, or my life at Moonside High would be hell. "Hiya!" She said, always cheerful. "I saw this new guy, I think his name is Mike, or something like that. Isn't he hot?" Abilene beamed at me. "Not really. And he's a total moron." I snarled. "You talked to him? Tell me everything! What did he say? What's he like? Any body language?" Abilene squealed. "Sadly, yes. He asked me for a simple formula, he acted like an Elvis impersonator, and zero body language." I sighed at my misfortune for meeting him. "Really? He obviously likes you! You should..." I stopped paying attention to what Abilene was saying. She just went on and on about flirting and the "secret language of love". Honestly, Abilene? You're a nice person, and all, but you don't have to obsess over some guy who had nothing, nothing but maybe cute hair... No. His hair was ugly. I drilled that into myself on the way to biology. Throughout biology I paid no attention to whatever it was we were learning about. Mark did have biology with me. At what might have been the grossest possible times, he flashed smiles at me. I glared back. He didn't care. After some millennia, biology ended, and I could see Abilene more. I texted her.
had biology w/ elvis boy (mark 2u) ugh.
I didn't have to wait long for a response.
y ugh? hes hotttttt!!!!!!
I laughed when I saw that.
hes not hot, hes stupid. meet u at coffeeshop, my phones gonna die :(
I turned off my phone, the battery had gotten pretty far down. I tucked it into the pocket of my jeans. I walked out from the school building, then ran down to the coffeeshop, "The Coffeebean". Cheesiest name ever. I sat down with Abilene, who was waiting patiently at a table, with a purse full of cosmetics. Oh no. "Hey! I'm gonna help you get Mark, because even though he's totally hot, I want to help you. I have this eyeshadow that will look a-ma-zing on you!" She ruffled through the purse, pulling out several makeup products. "No, I really don't like him. It'll look better on you." I offered. Abilene pursed her lips, then leaned over. "No, really!" She said, leaning in threateningly with a lipstick tube. I held up my hands, leading up to a squabble with makeup. During the squabble, Mark came over. "Hello, ladies." He said. Hello, Elvis. "Mark! We were, uh, just seeing how sexy the makeup looks on me! Look!" She put on the lipstick as flirtatiously as she could. So much for helping me. I looked at my cell phone clock. "Oh, my Mom wants me home." I lied, getting up. "Bye!" Mark and Abilene called simultaneously. "It's a long way." Abilene added. "I can take you there." Mark yelled, me walking away quickly. I cursed them both and made my way to the subway. I started running when I saw Mark catching up to me. Luckily, I made it to the subway, and just before the subway left. I watched Mark's face fill with sadness, and it was oddly satisfying. I didn't even get off. I just rode the subway for half an hour, observing the people who came on. One of them especially caught my attention. She had short, curly brown hair, not unlike Abilene's, but less shiny. Her eyes were grass green, and she wore a yellow dress that I liked. I watched her get on, and lean against the wall, looking sad. She clutched a small suitcase. I decided to approach her. "H-Hello." She murmured, still somewhat sad. "Um, hi, I'm Alimea. Who-who are you?" I made the mistake of looking into her eyes, which had an odd, knowing expression that caught me 0ff guard. "Kailey." She turned her head. "So, where are you going?" I asked, hoping small talk would cheer her up a little bit. "Far away from where I came from. It sucks." Kailey sighed ruefully. "Oh. Why?" Well, no small talk anymore. "It just does... Where are you going?" Kailey asked. "I just like to ride around and watch people, see if anybody I know gets on. To waste time." I smiled. "Your life must be nice. Not having to be on the ru-" She broke off, covering her lips. "On the run? From who? Why?" I asked. "N-n-no reason, I lost t-track of my w-words." Kailey stammered. "Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes. "It's b-been, like, real-l-ly nice talk-k-king t-to you, but I should-d-d p-prob-b-bably l-l-l-l-leave..." Kailey ran off the subway. I watched her run away. A man in about his mid-twenties followed her with his eyes as he got on the subway. "Do you know where Kailey's going?" He hissed. "No..." I narrowed my eyes. "Well maybe you can help us. We need her back." The man had a deep, soft, voice. His eyes were blue, and he wore a black hat over shaggy brown hair. "Who are you?" I asked angrily. "Cecil. I work for a secret army. You probably don't know about us, but we're essential to everything you do. I know your name, Alimea Jacobs." Cecil whispered to me. "No thanks, I won't help you." What a bastard! "No no. You have to." He spoke somewhat loudly. "I don't want to!" I snarled into his face. "Fine, have it your way. But don't say I didn't warn you when more of us come after you, and all your little friends too." He glared at me, then quickly walked away.

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